Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tips on Dental Implants

Have you ever think about getting an dental implant done or have your clinician suggested you one ?

For most cases, first and second opinions top the list of things to do before surgery. When your dentist recommends implants (or you ask for them), you'll want a full explanation and a discussion and a second opinion. Most of the questions are may not be relevant for a placement of mini implants which we will discuss later.

Here are some key questions to ask

·        What other solutions are available?

·        What are the possible complications?

·        Does my dental insurance cover the procedure?

·        What are the cost differences among available solutions?

·        What are the functional differences?

·        What happens if nothing is done?

·        Am I a candidate for teeth in an hour?

·        How can I be sure that implants are really needed?

·        What's the basis for your diagnosis?

·        Who do you recommend to do the surgery, and why?

·        How much experience have you had with the recommended implanttologist?

·        Do you know if the implantologist has a clean malpractice history?

·        Can you recommend more than one surgeon and let me decide?

·        Do I have enough jawbones to achieve a crown to root ratio of 1:1 or better?

·        What are the trade-offs if the ratio can't be achieved? (A short implant life with risk of a cracked jaw is one tradeoff!)

·        What kind of life cycle can I expect for the types of implants recommended for me?

·        Are implant placement angles a problem in my case? How will you assure correct angulation?

·        Does the standard of care for my case require a 3D X-ray?

·        Can/will you refer me to a CBCT lab or clinic? What are the choices and trade-offs among different systems offered by these centres?

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